I love browsing through old ads and recipes. Vintage ads give insight into the culture of the past. Vintage recipes…well, many of them I hope nobody made them! This advertisement is by Pitney-Bowes and was published in 1947. It’s tagline is “Is it always illegal to kill a woman?” It’s been impossible to track down an original source for this ad. Original source as in… Read More
Vintage Ads & Recipes
Insane Vintage Recipe: Almonds in a Haystack
Almonds in a Haystack. At first glance you see almonds covering a white substance. I assumed it was Cool Whip…almonds, sweetness, this can’t be bad. Then I realized it was Miracle Whip. Not even real mayonnaise. And what was that bulk of stuff in the middle? It’s hard to read, but I have deduced what that all actually says: 4… Read More
Sexist Vintage Ads: Mr. Leggs Slacks
Today’s “Throwback Thursday” Sexist Vintage Ads edition is brought to you by…Mr. Leggs. Slacks and trousers that will put your woman in her place. I actually did quite a bit of research as I want to make sure I always bring you, my dear readers, quality material: not something someone whipped together in photoshop. In this case, the key word “Mr…. Read More
Insane Vintage Recipe: Fancy Hotdog with Potato Salad, Pickle Relish…
I might have found a new low for my “Throwback Thursday” series. Or a new high, depending how you’re judging, I guess. It wasn’t just the ‘fancy hotdog’ that made this bad. That alone we could deal with. It was the instructions to serve it as follows: “Try putting the dog on…this creamy potato salad served with a tomato half… Read More
Sexist Vintage Ad: Most husbands have stopped beating their wives…
History textbooks often skip what life was like for the everyday, average person in the past. Life for the ‘normal’ person gets submerged in events and larger societal trends. One way to really step inside of history it to take a look at vintage advertisements. And because we all need a little humor in our life, I present…drumroll…Throwback Thursdays. Enjoy…. Read More
Insane Vintage Recipe: Roast Raccoon (aka- Roast Trash Panda)
Throwback Thursday: Ham Loaf Superb
I figured I’d say “good-bye” to 2015 by doing one last edition of “Throwback Thursday.” And it being the season of eating, I decided to do an insane vintage recipe instead of a sexist vintage ad. Below is the amazing(ly bad) “Ham Loaf Superb.” Yes, they named it that. Ingredients? Well, along with the ground ham, beef, and pork, there… Read More
Insane Vintage Recipes: Holiday Salad
I got tired of using other stuff I found on the internet. Plus, I take pride in not just re-hashing what you can find elsewhere. So I found some antique shops, bookstores, yard sales, you get the idea. I flipped through old cookbooks. I gave the charitable associations a pass: we know 90% of the recipes in those are horrible… Read More
Insane Vintage Recipes: Snowy Chicken Confetti Salad
Old recipes can be delicious. Just ask anyone who is still making their grandma’s pumpkin pie. They can also be ludicrous, disgusting, and awe-inspring (in a bad way). Did they make them even back then? (Please, someone, say the answer is ‘no.’) Because we all need a little humor in our life, I present…drumroll…Throwback Thursdays. Enjoy. Or at least have… Read More
Sexist Vintage Ad: Most men ask “Is she pretty?”, not “Is she clever?”
History textbooks often skip what life was like for the everyday, average person in the past. One way to really step inside of history it to take a look at vintage advertisements. And because we all need a little humor in our life, I present…drumroll…Throwback Thursdays. Enjoy. Or at least roll your eyes in scorn. Corsets telling women that they need… Read More