This page is dedicated to all health printables. When it comes to physical health, food tracking and fitness are important. There are also mental health printables below.
There’s quite a bit of content on this page. It’s organized in the following order:
• Resolution & habit trackers
• Food Journals
• 30-day exercise challenge
• Monthly exercise trackers
• Workout Logs: 3 Designs
• Mood Trackers
• Print options: regular paper works. However, if you want something sturdier (such as for a resolution tracker which will be used all year), card stock is also an option.
• All of the files are in pdf below. Just hit the “download” button (or pink word “download,” depending upon browser).
• The default size of these is full-page. However, if you want smaller, simply reduce the print size! If you’re looking on how to resize printables, check out my post: “How to Resize Printables to Fit Your Planner.“
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resolution and habit trackers
Habit trackers are one of the top ways to stay motivated and reach your health goals.
Since there are so many trackers (and some great information), I’m going to direct you to the post> 8 Free Printable Habit Trackers: How to Change Your Life.
If you’re tracking a single resolution, a resolution tracker allows you take in the entire year at glance.
Since there are so many trackers (and some great information including on picking a word of the year and resolution ideas), I’m going to direct you to the post> Free Printable Resolution Trackers & How to Start the New Year Off Right.
food journals
If you’re looking for colorful & cute, this is the one for you. In addition to food tracking, there is water on each day, a spot of exercise, a place to write down weekly stats, and a spot for a motivational quote.
This is a little more organized. There are spots for each meals plus snacks. A small area to track exercise, and room for daily calorie total. The side area includes a stats area and a spot to write your weekly goal.
The area for tracking calories is a bit smaller, but there is extra room for tracking exercise. There is also a decent size stats/misc. area in case you’re making additional notes. I often note weight, measurements, or specific food goals (such as veggie servings or whole grains) in the last column. There is space at the top for making a weekly goal as well as writing a motivational quote.
The same as the journal next to this, except in mostly black and white. If you only have a black/white printer, this journal will work. The pink heavy line will simply print as a heavier black.
This journal is actually 4 pages long, don’t get confused by the two images above. The first image (it has two day’s worth of tracking) has extended room for tracking meals and snacks. If you’re being very specific, this is a good journal. It also has more room for writing. There is also room to track food, water, and exercise. The second image is the end of week. It includes the day 7 food journal as well as a summary section. I really, really like this aspect of the journal. You can glance at week start and end, what you did well, and what you want to work on next week.
This is an older design, but I still kind of like it. So I decided to keep it.
This food journal is horizontal. Along with normal food tracking, there are 5 fruits/veggies to cross out each day along with 8 glasses of water! Very easy to keep track this way.
food journals: Low-Carb & Keto
30-Day exercise challenge
I recently updated this challenge with a new design (the design below). If you’re interested in the old, more floral design, check out the original post “30 Day Exercise Challenge” and scroll towards the bottom.
monthly fitness trackers
This is probably my favorite of the batch as it allows for detailed tracking for both strength and cardio.
Very simple design, but big blocks for each day allow plenty of room to write. In addition, the week 1-4 format is easier than a regular calendar if you’re planning a regular schedule (such as monday-wednesday-friday) for certain exercises.
Landscape design if that works better for you. There is also space to set goals, track monthly stats, pick a motivational quote, and choose a reward for the month!
There are two ways you can use this. As a weekly printable workout journal or as a monthly workout journal. I prefer it as a monthly.
To use as weekly workout log:
• For weight, track on the days you desire. There are four spots.
• For strength, simply assume each set is ‘1’ and track different reps and weights in each column. For example: Bicep curls- 1 set of 10 with 10 lbs. 1 set of 10 with 15 lbs. and 1 set of 10 with 10 lbs. This would all be during one workout.
• For cardio, you can do intervals or simply just use a single column.
To use as monthly workout log:
• For weight, track at the beginning or the end of the week.
• For strength, assume each column set (the set of sets/reps/weight) is a different workout. For example, for bicep curls: week one, in column one, I would do 3 sets of 10 with 10 lbs. During week two, in column two, I would do 3 sets of 10 with 15 lbs. There are enough lines that I can fit my three workout days (legs & abs, biceps & back, triceps & chest) all on the same log.
• For cardio, assume each set of column is a different workout week. If you do multiple workouts in one week, use the rows to track.
This weekly workout log is divided into three strength training sections: core, upper body, and lower body. There is a section for tracking three different sets for each exercise.
There are also four rows for tracking cardio.
In addition, you can track your weight, sleep, calories, and water intake.
Tracks three different workout sessions. It has a spot for cardio if you’re someone who does cardio along with your strength workouts. (I’m looking at you, Jen, if you’re reading this!). There is room for 4 different sets on this one.
Weight Loss Trackers
mood trackers
This is a mood tracker for an entire year. Main moods are pre-numbered, but there are numbered spots for you to add some of your own. Pick the dominant mood of the day and enter into the appropriate box.
This is a mood tracker for an entire year. In the little boxes before the mood, scribble in the color of your choice. Then color the dominant mood of the day into the appropriate day box. I made this one because sometimes it’s easier to see trends with colors instead of just a jumble of numbers.
This mood chart is for a single month. This is for those who are dealing with multiple emotions throughout the day and want to keep a more detailed log. There are bunch of pre-filled out moods and plenty of spots to add other moods (or other items you want to track). On this tracker, you’ll put a check mark for every mood you feel during the day. So you might have multiple checks for a single day.
This is another monthly mood tracker. You rate your basic mood level and chart it throughout the month. In addition, there are spaces to write things that affect your mood during each particular day. Or activities/daily tasks so you can see if there is a pattern.