Part of being a great homemaker is home finance. I know, it sounds boring. But it gets exciting watching the money build up in the bank account. It’s even more exciting when all that saving turns into a dream vacation. The Frugal Finance page is here for all your home money management needs. From saving money via frugal living to budgeting to income.
I spend a decent amount of time saving money. From making sure I buy cereal at the commissary (where it’s cheapest) to using Ebates every time I shop at Amazon, saving money is an important part of my life. And It’s something almost everyone is trying to do- trim their expenses, budget better, save money shopping online, etc. Who doesn’t want to save money?
The below content is all about saving money. Hopefully as painlessly as possible.
I also have an amazing product you might be interested in. Personal Money Management is more than just a book- it’s full of worksheets for you to work through so you can apply the financial advice to YOUR life. Take control of your finances today….check out Personal Money Management.