Free Printable Halloween Labels. Multiple sizes (2″ x 1″; 3″ x 1 &1/2″; and 3″ x 2″), multiple designs. Great for labeling food, drinks, etc.
Halloween is my favorite holiday. It ranks higher than Christmas in my world. I also love food (as you might guess from the website! haha). I love Halloween parties too. But at a party, it gets tiring telling people again and again exactly what each food item is. That’s where these cute free printable Halloween labels come in.
I have 3 different sizes: 2″ by 1″ ; 3″ by 1 & 1/2″ ; and 3″ by 2″. There are multiple designs for each one.
I have some photos below of various places I’ve used them.
If you’re getting ready for Halloween, you have to check out my printable Halloween Binder.
It has EVERYTHING you need for a fabulous holiday. It’s 150+ pages and includes:
• Organizing- calendars, costume planner, etc.
• Party planner
• 15+ different games
• Decor (banners, wall art, food & drink wrappers, cupcake toppers, and more)
• Halloween & pumpkin recipes
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Examples of Use
See “Halloween Mummies” (strawberry cake bites with white chocolate cream cheese) for recipe and instructions.
Halloween Buck”eyes” are some of my favorite! They’re easy and very creepy cute.
See “Red Velvet & Dark Chocolate Cake Bite Spiders” for recipe and step-by-step instructions if you want to create your own Spider’s Nest.
See “Halloween Ghosts” for recipe & instructions. These are the easiest of them all!
History of Halloween
Maybe it’s my history major. Or maybe it’s because every single year, I see some people angry on Facebook about Halloween. Some think it’s a pagan holiday and people who celebrate it are un-Christian. Others are pagans themselves and are angry at non-pagans appropriating their holiday.
I wish everyone would just relax. Who doesn’t love a holiday that involves candy and costumes?
After all these centuries, Halloween is a mixture of a bunch of holidays. It has origins in the Celtic practice Samhain.
But as often happens, when a new culture arrives, things get changed. In this case, when the Romans arrived- not one, but two different holidays were combined with it. “The first was Feralia, a day in late October when the Romans traditionally commemorated the passing of the dead. The second was a day to honor Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees.”
In 1000 A.D., the Church made November 1st All Saint’s Day. The evening before began to be called “All-hollows” (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints’ Day).
In early America, the holiday wasn’t celebrated very often due to rigid Protestant beliefs. By the second half of the 19th century, it was a widespread celebration.
A concerted effort was made by newspapers and community leaders in late 1800s was made to make Halloween more about community and get-togethers. Many of the leftover pagan rituals were removed. Games, seasonal food, and costumes became widespread.
And by 2020, pet costumes are becoming increasingly common.
• Print options: regular paper works, but I suggest card stock for a sturdier label. You can also use glossy photo paper, but be careful that any writing doesn’t smear.
• All of the files are in pdf below. Or click on the image. It will open in a new window and you can either print directly or save to computer.
• The default size of these labels varies. However, if you want smaller or larger labels, simply increase or decrease the print size.
Free Printable Halloween Labels
These are 3″ by 2″ labels. These have the most room for writing in case you want to write descriptions of the dish. There are 9 different designs!
These are 3″ by 1 & 1/2″ labels. These are the ones I used on my edible Halloween landscape above.
These are 2″ by 1″ labels. These are fairly small, and I don’t use them a lot. But they’re cute and food for labeling small dishes or crowded sections.
Which Did you Like?
Which of the labels above did you like? I shared them from my most favorite (top) to least favorite (bottom).
Feel free to comment below letting me know!
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Thank you for the labels. I usually make up special treat bags for some little family members and this way the ones with allergies will be sure and get the right bag.