Household Hacks & DIY
Never Buy Green Onions Again!
Yes, I’m serious. You never, ever have to buy green onions again. I thought this idea was crazy. That there was no way it was ever going to work. But I said to myself: “Self, part of your job as The Housewife Modern is to test stuff…so let’s give it a try.” It’s easy, takes practically no time. But just… Read More
13 Ways to Use Your KitchenAid Mixer (without buying extra attachments)
I was browsing on reddit the other day and read that I could use my KitchenAid mixer to shred chicken. I read that and thought, “There is no way that works.” But I tried it: I threw the entire cooked chicken breast in the mixer, put on the paddle, and turned it on. A minute later I had shredded chicken!… Read More
Stop Wasting Time and Money; Take Control of Your Wardrobe
How to Remove Impossible Bathtub Stains and Mold…without Scrubbing
How to clean rubber ring on front load washer
How to clean rubber ring on front load washer. Get rid of mold and permanent grime you can’t get out any other way. First of all, I PURPOSELY let my washer get that nasty just so I could test cleaning methods.I do NOT normally let my washer get that nasty. That disclaimer aside, it’s actually fairly easy to clean out… Read More
Stop Buying, Start Making: Homemade Vegetable & Chicken Broth
12 Ways Ice Cube Trays Can Save Time and Money
How to Clean Off Long-Term, Permanent Microwave Stains
How to remove stains from microwave. No more long-term, permanent yellow stains. I tried 15 solutions to find the one that works! At first this was an amusing, slightly challenging attempt to find a solution for those long-term, permanent microwave stains. Then it turned into a vendetta. Each new method had me approaching the microwave with narrowed eyes and determination to win…. Read More
Clean Your Dishwasher: Fast, Easy, 2 Ingredients
It sounds odd. Cleaning your dishwasher. After all, its job is to clean. However, dishwashers still get dirty. The dish cleaner you use gets built up, there’s a filter in there that can get dirty, food can get caught, etc. It’s best to clean give your dishwasher a quick clean once a month. A deep clean is needed less often…. Read More