“When is the best time to buy that?” That is often a question you hear people ask (or see featured in a magazine). This is because one of the easiest (and smartest) ways to save money is to know when to buy an item. Everything from butter to televisions to houses have certain times that they are cheaper. Below is a list to help guide you. This is especially important on big purchases: the savings can be hundreds of dollars!
To save looking up individual items…or trying to remember what fruit is in-season when: I’ve compiled it all for you. And provided handy PDF’s you can print out and keep in your coupon binder!
I’ve included image shots of each quarter for those reading the blog. At the very bottom are the two PDF files for those who wish to print them out: one for Quarters 1 & 2; the second for Quarters 3 & 4.
As with all PDFs, you may need to adjust the scale for it to fit on one page! On my computer, this file prints best at a 75% scale.
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