6,800. Then 38,600. Finally 67,200. Random numbers? Nope. That’s my January page views over the last three years. Look at that growth! Some days it seems like I’m getting nowhere. And then I go look at those numbers and remember this is all worth it.
One thing I wish I had done from the very beginning was track my website statistics. It’s hard to keep motivation month after month when growth seems so slow. It’s hard to remember that growth IS occurring! I track my monthly blog stats every single month now. And it’s AMAZING to look from year to year and see how much I’ve achieved. This little nudge of motivation is great on those days when it’s hard to write another word. With that in mind, there are two free printable blog and social media statistics trackers below.
One is a monthly assessment. In that one, you’ll look at your monthly blog statistics, including where your traffic is coming from. There is also a section to look at what you’ve achieved over the last month and what you want to do in the upcoming month.
The other is a yearly website statistics and social media statistics tracker. It allows you to look at the year at a glance and see in what areas you’ve grown and how much.
Over the long-term you will notice trends. For example, the holidays are a big traffic time for me. I always see a drop after the middle of January as we move into out of the holiday and New Year season. So while I’m never happy about it, I don’t freak out either!
For the average blogger, there is also something called the “summer slump.” When the kids get out of school, people start going on vacations, and get busy with the summer season, traffic sometime drops. In blogging groups, new bloggers are always freaking out when this happens to them for the first time.
I also have a FREE Printable Blogging Binder– 50+ page for you to organize and grown your blog.
• Print options: regular paper works just fine!
• All of the files are in pdf below. Or click on the image. It will open in a new window and you can either print directly or save to computer.
• The default size of these is full-page. However, if you want smaller, simply reduce the print size! If you’re not sure on how much to reduce, check out my post “How to Resize Printables to Fit Your Planner.”
This is a monthly blog statistics tracker. It has spots for traffic and analysis of traffic. It also includes room for social media statistics. Lastly, I have a section dedicated to a monthly assessment of where your blog is at- what you’ve achieved and what you want to achieve in the upcoming month.
Self-Assessment <<<Click there to download pdf.
Here is a free printable yearly blog statistics tracker. It has room for traffic and social media. There are also a couple of blank columns to track whatever you want!
Yearly Stats Tracker <<<Click there to download pdf.
I can’t wait to see what you do! Print these out and get started tracking those stats.
Feel free to share this post if you think others would find it useful.
I would also appreciate it if you would comment! Let me know about your growth. Would love to see your numbers!
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