It’s almost back to school time. Which coincides with busy season for most bloggers. Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year are blogging peak season for my niche. I have a LOT of work coming up. So it was time for some free inspirational printables for my planner! There are four below. They follow the basic of theme of “Live” and “Seize the Day.”
• Print options: regular paper works, but I suggest card stock or glossy photo paper.
• All of the files are in pdf below. Or click on the image. It will open in a new window and you can either print directly or save to computer.
• The default size of these is 8″ x 10″. But they print regular paper size just fine. However, if you want smaller, simply reduce the print size!
If you’re not sure how much to reduce, MomEnvy has an excellent resource tells you the percentage for multiple planners!
This is my absolute favorite of the bunch! And the gold glitter actually prints pretty well.
Due to a photoshop glitch, I had to save the pdf from the IMAGE…so the size might need a little tinkering. I printed it 8.5″ x 11″ and it worked perfectly with plenty of border around the edge, so if you print 8″ x 10″, you should be fine.
Inspiration2 <<<Click there to download.
This is my second favorite. I try to remember each day that all my little efforts are working towards my big dream.
Inspiration3 <<<Click there to download.
The faint hearts on the blue watercolor come across fabulously in print! A free inspirational printable to remind to “Live, Love, Laugh.”
Inspiration1 <<<Click there to download.
The background doesn’t come across in print quite as dark as it is in the image. At least not on my printer. But I know all printers are different.
Inspiration4 <<<Click there to download.
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