I’m finally starting to make some progress. I was making progress before, but I’m starting to see results. Most of the pages are up. I’m making my way through old posts getting them updated and on the correct pages. And I’ve been regularly adding new content. Along with cooking and cleaning testing in the background. You, my dear readers, only see the (hopefully) beautiful final results. Not all the failures. haha.
I’m starting to feel like The Housewife Modern again. Yay! Part of that is getting my editorial calendars set up. So, below are two different bimonthly calendars for the rest of 2016.
And before the debate starts. Bimonthly can be used BOTH as “twice a month” as well as “every two months”. Trust me. I watched a Facebook debate while laughing as people found actual citations proving this. Two different designs below. One has larger blocks for more writing. The other has more colorful columns which is easier for “at a glance” planning.
Also feel free to check out:
- The “Organizing (& Random Popular)” page for vacation clothing planners, the only packing list for vacation you’ll ever need, cleaning checklists, safe cooking temperatures, & more. I’m always adding to it.
- The “Menu & Grocery” page has a TON of different menu planners- weekly, bi-weekly, monthly- as well as some combined with planning your grocery list.
- The “Food Tracking/Exercise” page has various food trackers & will have exercise planners in the future.
- The “Calendars” page has…well, calendars (sorry, couldn’t resist!).
- The “Holiday Printable” page will be slowly growing, but already has some great content!
Bimonthly 2016: Editorial
You obviously don’t have to use these as editorial calendars (haha). I use them to plan out my website because the larger white spaces for each day lets me divide it into two: planning & what I actually accomplished.
Bimonthly 2016
I use these for daily planning. You might ask why I have two different calendars. The reason is because the very colorful columns makes it easy to distinguish which calendar I’m using. Otherwise- when in a rush- I end up writing appointments on my editorial calendar.
The upside for you is that now there are two different designs! These blocks are a bit smaller for writing stuff, but the colorful columns makes it easy to quickly scribble stuff.
You might note that November/December actually doesn’t have colored comments. The red and green background was just clashing horribly with the rainbow rows of the other calendars. Maybe I’m too picky?
Bimonthly calendars for 2016, 2 designs. Links to more printables.
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