Free printable July 4th Favor Tags. 6 different designs in patriotic theme.
Great for food, decor, favor bags, & more.
I love the 4th of July. Don’t know if it’s the fact husband is military, the beautiful fireworks, or the whole ‘patriotic feelings’ thing. I also like the food. And parties. And pretty displays.
Hence, the following free printable favor tags. There are 6 different designs.
Most commonly used to tie on favor bags- I have blank ones if you want to write people’s names (to make sure some sneaky kid doesn’t wander off with two…haha) or label food. I often use it to label food on a display or buffet.
There are also ones that say “Happy 4th of July.”
And some designs that say “thank you”. You can also use them to label food and/or drinks.
Or you can glue to ribbon with about 2″ in between each tag, and use various ones to decorate around a table.
If you like this, you have to check out my page full of 4th of July printables <<<click there to see it. It has scavenger hunts, trivia, bingo, and more!
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Instructions for Printing
• Print options: regular paper works, but I suggest card stock or glossy photo paper.
• All of the files are in pdf below. Just hit the “download” button (or pink word “download,” depending upon browser).
• The default size of these is full-page for 6 tags. However, if you want smaller, simply reduce the print size.
Free Printable July 4th Favor Tags
The “Happy 4th of July” are my second favorite out of all of these.
Favor tags: Happy 4th of July & blank ones.
The “Happy 4th of July” ones are my ABSOLUTE favorite out of the entire batch. Aren’t the letters in “JULY” so cute? They’re from ‘Marie Jose Argueso”s blog. She also has a TON of printables and activities for kids. I highly suggesting it out.
Favor tags: Thank You x 2 different designs.
These are fabulous for party favors- candy, little bags of toys, sparklers, etc.
Which were your favorites?
Which one of the free printable July 4th favor tags was your favorite? What will you be using them for? Comment below letting me know!
Could you do me a quick favor? If you enjoyed this, could you share it with your friends? Share buttons are at the top.
I didn’t feel like celebrating the 4th of July last year, but I hope to feel differently this year! Thank you for these adorable tags.
You’re welcome! I know how you felt about last year (2020)…a lot of my holiday traffic was down and I assumed it was because people weren’t celebrating. And certainly weren’t having parties. Here is to a wonderful 2021.